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Here you can research the life, work and activities of Ludwig Baumann.

Baumann: Eifel-Wind op. 35

Baumann Digital

Life, Works and Activities

  • 2016

    A lucky discovery

    As a student assistant in the digitisation workshop of the Baden State Library, Karlsruhe music manuscripts were one of the items on my agenda in 2016. Tobias Bachmann, who was in charge of digitisation at the time, brought this collection to the attention of others (Daniel Fütterer, Dennis Ried). The first project idea for Baumann’s music manuscripts was not long in coming ...

  • feather


    Three master theses

    As we (Bachmann, Fütterer, Ried) were at the end of our Master’s studies, the lucky find "Baumann" was just ideal. In 2016-2017, the three of us were able to make a first fundamental contribution to Baumann-Digital. We wrote our Master’s theses on Ludwig Baumann from different points of view: Model discussion of added value in the visualisation of research data using the example of the digital edition of Ludwig Baumann’s works (Tobias Bachmann), Edition of selected works by Ludwig Baumann - application and analysis of alternative edition procedures (Daniel Fütterer), Ludwig Baumann - biographical aspects and conception of a catalogue raisonné (Dennis Ried).

  • doctoral hat

    December 2017

    Beginning of a PhD project

    That this first occupation was only to be the laying of the foundation stone became clear to us as we were writing the papers. The surviving stock of music was much larger than it first appeared, because not all sources had been digitised. During the research for my (Dennis Ried) master’s thesis, when I realised what all there was to do and what I would not be able to do in terms of time, a small light ignited: it was the hope that after the master’s thesis, not everything would be left to rot in a drawer. With the start of my doctoral studies, I have the opportunity to examine more closely not only Baumann’s life and work, but also his work. To this day, the interest to continue these studies and to offer an approach to Ludwig Baumann and male choir music burns within me.

  • March 2019

    Concert: Cantata

    On 23 and 24 March 2019, Baumann’s only cantata “Den Gefallenen zum Gedächtnis, den Trauernden zum Trost” (To the memory of the fallen, to the comfort of the mourners) was performed again after more than 70 years (Karlsruhe/Ettlingen). Under the musical direction of Jasper Lecon, Lea Lampartner (soprano), Daniel Fütterer (organ), choir of the evangelische Hoffnungs- und Versöhnungsgemeinde Karlsruhe, choir of the VHS-Karlsruhe, a project choir and the orchestra of the VHS Karlsruhe performed.

  • launch

    December 2020


    In December 2020, we received the news that the Badische Landesbibliothek Karlsruhe had successfully completed the digitisation of Baumann’s musical estate housed there. Many thanks to Annett-Kristin Oberhoff and Brigitte Knödler-Kagoshima for their tireless efforts.

  • launch

    June 2021

    Finally online!

    After several years of fundamental work, the Baumann Portal is now available online - even though the doctoral project on Baumann is still ongoing! We have decided to make only general catalogue data available for the time being. As soon as the dissertation has been completed and the embargo periods have expired, all processed research data of the project will be made available here!

  • doctoral hat

    December 2023

    PhD project finished

    On December 18, 2023 - just in time for his 34th birthday - Dennis Ried defended his dissertation entitled »›halb und halb‹ – Hybride Edition als Kompromiss? Eine Studie zu Methodik, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen in der hybriden Musikedition am Beispiel der Edition von Ludwig Baumanns ›Kantate. Den Gefallenen zum Gedächtnis, den Trauernden zum Trost‹« at the Karlsruhe University of Music.

  • launch


    Relaunch of the Portal

    Preparations for the printing of Dennis Ried's dissertation are fully in progress! With the dissertation, the portal will finally be fully accessible. We ask for a little patience, as the final review of the contents is quite time-consuming. We are hoping to be able to put the portal online in the first half of the year.

  • August 2024


    Good things take time! With the publication of Dennis Ried's dissertation by Logos-Verlag Berlin, we are also launching the online portal in all facets. Have fun! Hint: Not every function has been finally developed, so it might be useful to also have a look into the XML-code!

  • Be Part
    Of This

Our Team

Since 2016 on the traces of Ludwig Baumann ...

Daniel Fütterer

Daniel Fütterer, M.A.


Dennis Ried

Dr. Dennis Ried

Project manager

Tobias Bachmann

Tobias Bachmann, M.A.

Technical manager

From accidental discovery to research project - When we came across the name Ludwig Baumann by chance in 2016, none of us thought that we would one day focus on researching his life and work. All the more reason for us to share the results of our work and to inspire others with enthusiasm for this topic.